” You the Students of Denver who are here, would all – not necessarily together – but if you would individually every night and morning, call to the “Presence” and the Cosmic Beings to sweep the Violet Consuming Flame through your city and wipe out all discord, impurity, and imperfection, you would render a Service indescribable. You see if you do this regularly night and morning, it means on wave after another keeps going; and each time, it gains momentum and power in rendering this cleansing, purifying Service that is required. In your altitude it makes it much more effective and more easily accomplished.”
The “I AM” Discourses: Discourse XI – Saint Germain – March 16, 1939
Mother Cabrini was the first American citizen to be canonized. Once described as a “huntress of souls,” Mother Cabrini is now an Ascended Lady Master. She is also Mercurian.
She was born in Italy, where she founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart in 1880. Later Pope Leo XIII sent her to America to work among the Italian immigrants and in a few years she built dozens of hospitals, schools, orphanages and sanatoriums. She traveled widely in South America by burro. She had a very deep understanding of the balance of commitment to God and nation. She wrote:
He who is faithful to God is faithful to his country and to his family, and the more fear of God animates the citizens of a country, the greater and the more respected will the nation be. Moreover, as it is said that nations are formed on the knees of the mother, it follows that the more the mother is venerated in the family, and the more she herself conforms her conduct to that sublime model that we have in Her, who, repairing the faults of Eve, raised the status of humanity, so much the greater will be those future generations who will form the glory and the prosperity of their country. These principles, my dear daughters, you should teach in your schools, because as educators, you must not only form good Christians, but good citizens for the State, which we wish to be great and respected.[1]
Mother Cabrini’s flame is great for the thrust of education, combined with the flame of another saint who comes from Italy, Maria Montessori, who set forth the pattern of education for the golden age according to the teachings of Mother Mary, which Mary gave to her, precept upon precept, as she began her mission teaching in the slums of Rome.
Mother Cabrini is giving us her flame to carry on the care of the children of the mother, the teaching of the young and those who are the orphans of the Spirit, as El Morya calls them, those who have not the tie to their own divinity.
“As we examine those that up help the yellow flame as patrons of life, we see many who have been the sustainers of the law. One great love that comes to my heart as an example of a patron sustaining the law of Christ and the law of liberty is Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini, known as Mother Cabrini, holding the Mother Flame for Italy.”
Page 125 of The Great White Brotherhood
Mrs. Prophet saw her in her finer body one time at the airport in Denver.
Information shared by Rev. Neroli Duffy
Mother Cabrini Shrine is a shrine to Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, known as Mother Cabrini, located in Golden, Colorado, United States.[1]
The shrine site includes the Stone House, listed on the National Register of Historic Places as the Queen of Heaven Orphanage Summer Camp; a 22-foot (6.7 m) statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus designed by Maurice Loriaux; and a convent of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the order founded by Mother Cabrini. Wikipedia
Lanello anchored his light of his causal body over Colorado Springs when he made his ascension from Pike’s Peak. He was on the blue ray. The qualities he displayed were joy and the magnanimous heart.
Godfre was embodied as Guy W. Ballard, the messenger of Saint Germain. He brought forth the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood, the Law of the I AM Presence and held the focus of the Christ Consciousness for the planet until his ascension in 1939. His wife and twin flame was Edna Ballard, now the ascended lady master Lotus. Guy Ballard’s pen name was Godfre Ray King. He is now known as the ascended master Godfre, God Obedience, but is still affectionately remembered by his students as “Daddy.”
In the summer of 1930, Godfre first met Daniel Rayborn, who is an ascended master, at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver after receiving a letter of introduction to him from Saint Germain.
Godfre gave a Discourse in Denver by the Ascended Master Saint Germain that pertained to Denver. See below “St Germain’s request for Denver Colorado.”
God Tabor - The ascended Master God Tabor, “the God of the Mountains” governs the mountain ranges of North and Central America. God Tabor is eight feet tall, and his fragrance is the essense of pine. He works closely with the God of Gold.
Tabor has two retreats in North America’s Rocky Mountains. One of these retreats, opened on April 14, 1968, is located in the front range of the Rocky Mountains above Colorado Springs. This focus of the will of God forms an arch of blue flame from the Temple of Good Will in Darjeeling. From his retreat, Tabor radiates the protection of the first ray through the mountain ranges in North and South America.
Vol. 41 No. 46 – Beloved God Tabor and Mother Mary - November 15, 1998
“And I want to say to you, Beloved Students of Denver, I have never known the God Tabor to rejoice in the accomplishments of the Children of Earth as He has done recently. You have no idea how the great God Tabor enjoys having you call to Him to govern conditions. He has said, ‘Now remember, We are just beginning in the gaining of the momentum of the future which will make you regulators of moisture, of climatic conditions, according to the requirement of your environment.’”
The “I AM” Discourses: Discourse XI – Saint Germain – March 16, 1939
Casimir Poseidon- During the height of the Atlantean empire, Casimir Poseidon ruled over major colony located in the Amazon Valley of South America.
The figure of the powerful Greek god Poseidon comes down to us from the memory of Casimir Poseidon. Poseidon, the brother of Zeus, was once the second-greatest Greek god. He was often shown holding a trident. Poseidon was known as the god of earthquakes and the god of the sea, who both caused and calmed storms. Among his titles were: “earth-shaker,” “embracer of the earth,” “loud-booming,” and “god of security.”
The capital city of Casimir Poseidon’s empire was located near the juncture of the Madeira and Amazon Rivers, which at that time were at an altitude of 5,000 feet and in a semitropical climate. The plan of the city was in a series of concentric rings that formed “beltways” three miles apart with connecting streets raying from the center.
At its peak, about 12,000 years ago, the citizens of this golden-age civilization attained great mastery over the sciences of metallurgy, chemistry and mining and were even able to precipitate their own food. Casimir Poseidon, already then an ascended master, led his people in the ways of God. Among his profound instructions he gave them the motto, “Learn to love to do well, and you shall!”
For approximately two thousand years, the citizens of Poseidonis followed his advice, for they greatly loved their ruler who epitomized the beauty of their racial characteristics: tall in stature, golden-haired, blue-violet eyes, light complexion. Gradually, however, the people turned from the light into paths of selfishness.
Casimir Poseidon has described what became of that civilization. On March 11, 1973, he said:
Long ago I represented humanity as the keystone in the arch of a transitional period. That period was also marked by impending cataclysm due to humanity’s grave disobedience to the mighty laws of life, their extreme selfishness, their stubbornness, and their total rejection of the plan of God. They had their warning, for I stood in their midst to prophesy to them. I warned the people that if they did not give glory unto the Lord for every accomplishment of science and culture, the light would recede, the masters would withdraw, civilization would go down and cataclysm would ensue. They received this warning many, many years before the Lords of Karma allowed their karma to descend.
The people chose to forsake the Light, for they were very confident in the development of their carnal minds. As this occurred, the Brotherhood withdrew its support; and after a final warning of what would be the outcome if they continued to ignore the laws of God, Casimir Poseidon and a handful of followers left the country and came to what is now the western United States. Within five years the entire continent of Meru (now South America) rolled to the east and submerged the eastern coast, bringing to an end the once proud civilization.
In a dictation given October 5, 1975, Casimir Poseidon explained that this civilization declined because the people “did not give the glory unto the Lord for every accomplishment of science and culture.” Before it was destroyed by cataclysm, he and a band of disciples “withdrew to North America to seal that light, to seal the scrolls of that culture in a place, the point of a pyramid now located in Colorado. And we anchored there the records of the ancient civilization. After we withdrew, there was the heaving of the continent of South America. The land became inundated with water for thousands of years before the receding of that water. Today there is still the jungle and the very wet climate, as that land is adjusting to the karmic cycles that passed over it in ancient times.”
For many thousands of years, his memory was only kept alive in South America by the Indian legend of a fair ruler who would one day return. Now Casimir Poseidon, with the assistance of the God and Goddess Meru, the Great Divine Director, Saint Germain and others, has once again come forth to guide the people of North and South America into a golden age.
On December 29, 1996, Casimir Poseidon told us to “think big” when it comes to stopping cataclysm. He said:
Cataclysm in the world is not always necessary and in many instances can be easily mitigated because people are at peace with themselves and can send forth light rays to hold the balance for the earth. They are almost as laser beams going into your bodies and into the heart of the earth.
As you stand in the earth and you plant your feet there, you shall be for this community and for the ascended masters and for the Great White Brotherhood pillars of fire in the earth. God has given into your keeping and into your trust this balancing action.... Now is the time to go about thinking big—big as Elohim! And see what you can do to stop or mitigate planetary cataclysm.[1]
Casimir Poseidon said that we could mitigate potential earth changes by devoting ourselves to “decree work and service to God.”
Students can amplify his radiation by playing the music of “Indian Love Call.”
“ Thus, you have heard that the blueprints of the civilization of South America were sealed in Colorado.<1>We desire to open these blueprints. We desire to call you back to that unfinished business of building that civilization and building upon the strength of so many devotees who have been on earth a great part of the Great White Brotherhood.
Now then, beloved, there has been much talk about who shall be the next generation and the next. What kind of children and young people shall they be? Shall they be so entirely different from previous generations, detached from all of the culture of Western civilization and the civilizations of the East?.
The question remains, therefore, beloved: How will you define your assistance to incoming children, who come to an age that has great weight of karma? How will they deal with the issues of their time? How will you lead them to carry with them the past history of civilizations upon which all has been built through these many thousands of years?”
Vol. 46 No. 16 - Beloved Casimir Poseidon - April 20, 2003
Look at What the New Generations Shall Become and Shall Inherit
Denver Colorado -
“My Beloved Ones, I just want to greet and congratulate you, and let you know how full My Heart is to see your ever-increasing harmony ad love toward each other. And may I ask you in Denver – Students, Group Leaders, and all – pour such love, kindness, and blessing to each other that all We wish to do may quickly be accomplished in your city and environment; for only in that, Beloved Ones, can the fullness of Life find its perfect expression for each one of you in your city.
Your city, since you are living here, is your home. You, as the center of your world, can hold such a power and Focus of Light that your city must become ablaze with It; and only as you have loving kindness in your feelings toward each other, can you hope to individually succeed or bring the Blessing and Power of the Light that is intended here.
The “I AM” Discourses: Discourse XI – Saint Germain – March 16, 1939
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